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38 Things you Need for your First Horse!

Handling and Grooming Equipment:

  1. Halter
  2. Lead Rope
  3. Curry Comb
  4. Hard Brush
  5. Soft Brush
  6. Hoof Pick
  7. Old Cloth
  8. Fly Spray

Barn and Pasture Management:

  1. Paddock or field with safe fences
  2. Pitch Fork
  3. Shovel
  4. Wheelbarrow
  5. Manure Fork (optional)

Feeding Equipment:

  1. Buckets
  2. Water Trough
  3. Feed Bins
  4. Hay Nets

Groundwork Training:

  1. Dressage Whip
  2. Lunge Line
  3. Groundwork handbook


  1. Bridle or bitless-bridle
  2. Saddle
  3. Saddle Pad
  4. Stirrups and Girth
  5. Helmet
  6. Riding boots


  1.  Traveling Boots
  2. Towing Vehicle
  3. Horse Box
  4. Passport for your horse


  1. Deworming
  2. Wound Spray/Ointment
  3. Emergency numbers
  4. First Aid Kit
  5. Veterinary Thermometer

Thinks that are helpful to have:

  1.  Adhesive tape
  2. Epsom salts
  3. Martingale

Did I leave anything out? Let me know in the comments below!
